Revisiting ‘What is Real?’ as The Matrix (1999), the first installment in the Matrix film series, celebrates its 25th year since its release
Morpheus’s explanation to Neo’s question: ‘What is the Matrix?’ was perhaps the most awaited moment in the movie, which won best Film Editing, best Sound,...
Ramaprasad Roy: The 1st native in the bar in the 19th century during British India
Meet the man who helped Raja Ram Mohan Roy, prepared a detailed report of activities carried out by Brahmo Samaj, later went on to...
What did Nehru appeal to the people of India
Nehru's Vision: Inspiring India Towards ProgressDo you know What did Nehru appeal to the people of India? Here is a quick brief about the...
Explain How Socialist Society was Established in Russia
The establishment of a socialist society in Russia was a complex and transformative process that took place against the backdrop of historical, social, and...
Adolf Eichmann’s Trial of 1960: Was it legitimate?
The Eichmann trial is claimed to have served justice to the persecuted Jews in Germany and Nazi-occupied territories back in the mid-20th century but...